There are some sex resolutions for 2011 are given Kerner as quoted by FoxNews, Wednesday (05/01/2011), namely:
1. Having sex at least once a weekSomeone who did not have sex in a long time can cause a decrease in libido and testosterone levels natural. Sex as well as sport, if someone was stopped, more likely to continue to decline. Therefore, try to like it and do it at least once a week regularly.
2. Involved in homeworkWomen tend to want to have sex when a partner help with the housework, this concept called 'choreplay'. A recent study from the University of Western Ontario finds a wife would be happier if the husband was involved homework. While studies from the University of Illinois at Chicago shows men who helped clean the house and taking care of children, have better sex skills.
3. Hugged for 20 secondsHugging performed for 20 seconds will make a 'hormone hug' or oxytocin flowing and help improve the connection of both. Men need a hug three times more than women to get to the same level. Hence given hugs once daily for 1 minute to keep the intimacy and has a foundation in a healthier sex life.
4. Stop accessing pornographySome experts estimate male to masturbate as much as 50-500 percent more than usual if frequent access to pornography, but there is a thin line between pleasure and problems. Too much masturbation can lower libido ended on a lack of sexual relations that can satisfy your partner.
5. Become more positiveStudies show the difference between a successful relationship and that failure is influenced by the ratio of positive and negative interactions. Someone must have a 5:1 ratio of 5 to 1 for positive thoughts and negative thoughts. Positive thoughts will help someone have a great sex life.
6. Do foreplay for 21 minutes
Archive for January 2011
some sex resolutions for 2011
News proximity Ryan Reynolds Sandra Bullock is fiction.
Image via WikipediaNews proximity Ryan Reynolds Sandra Bullock is fiction. Sandra has denied having an affair with Ryan who is currently divorcing with Scarlett Johansson.
Their chatter nearby traffic after Sandra and Ryan prepare to celebrate the new year in Austin, Texas. Movie stars 'buried' is considered den with his friends in a restaurant owned by Sandra Bess Bistro.
It has been a source revealed that Sandra and Ryan looks familiar like lovers. The two meet and share stories.
Shania Twain hard to sing, even if she remarried.
Image via WikipediaSinger Shania Twain Mutt Lange acknowledged the divorce in June 2010 and then did the depressed. In fact, the singer hits "You're Still The One" is hard to sing, even if she remarried.
"I lost my ability to express myself and my ability to sing, " says Twain quoted by Showbiz Spy, Thursday (01/06/2011). Shania revealed that he had lost confidence in himself. The Canadian singer was very nervous when it comes to people.
"For some reason, I do not feel comfortable singing in front of more people, " says Twain is now 45.
Shania has a lot of lessons from the divorce. Now, it's hard to go back to work. Shania was the last time an album released in 2002 entitled "Up!".
Kissing, Justin Bieber got reprimanded for his beloved mother.
Image by americanistadechiapas via FlickrJustin Bieber teen singer Selena Gomez caught kissing the New Year holiday this year. Therefore Justin also got reprimanded for his beloved mother.
Pattie Mallette was deeply shocked by the news and pictures of Justin that circulated in the media. It was immediately followed by Justin St. Lucia in the Caribbean on the spot.
Proximity Justin and Selena are photos taken when they sunbathe on a yacht. Justin came with her manager and bodyguard while Selena brought a friend.