Two groups of cyber criminals, who allegedly came from Russia, opened the job outspoken on the internet. They are looking for an accomplice cyber crime.
Kevin Stevens, analyst at SecureWorks, a security service provider said, what is sought by the company are those who are able to take malicious code they provide and link it to something that has the potential to attract attention.
The two companies was allegedly based in Russia. This suspicion arose because they refuse to pay if the victim is a computer in Russia, while the big money is offered if the victim from the United States.
In the online advertising, a number of payment systems mentioned can be used to transaction. This includes PayPal, WebMoney, Western Union or egold.
Parties that this job offer was mentioned as a mafia involved crimes such as burglary credit card or ATM. The FBI report says losses up to U.S. $ 264 million (approximately USD 2.4 trillion) due to cyber crime in the year 2008 (REUTER)
Two groups of cyber criminals from Russia, opened the job outspoken on the internet.
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computer virus,
cyber crime,
cyber mafia
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