Archive for August 2010

you can create privacy plicy page as easy as click

While Google maintain misused the Terms and Conditions of their Adsense plan, single of the necessities in a jiffy is with the aim of all Adsense publishers ought to maintain a "Privacy Policy" on their websites. Below is the exact wording with the aim of has been added to the Terms and Conditions in place of Adsense publishers ....

"You ought to maintain and abide by an appropriate privacy document with the aim of noticeably discloses with the aim of third parties may well be introduction and sense cookies on your user’s browser, or using a tangled web beacons to amass in turn, in the classes of ads being served on your website. Your privacy document ought to besides include in turn not far off from user options in place of cookie management."

you may try this tools

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increase traffic with this stuff.....

Increase traffic with this stuff.....:

  1. Social Bookmarking,
  2. Article Submission,
  3. Directory Submissions,
  4. Press Relases Distributions,
  5. Blog Comments,
  6. Yahoo Answers,
  7. Social Networking,
  8. Forum signature

choose which one is your favorite SEO method and focus on that. Start from now....

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must know before Making a Title for your post

Thus post title is directly Proportional to the Search engine visitors. We can understand that Post Title is the important part of a Blog Post. So creating a good title for your post will result in good search engine rankings.
There are many facts to keep your post title Perfect. In this article, I will teach you how to make an SEO Friendly post title.

Things you must know before Making a Title for your post

  • Give a title which contain keywords that readers usually search.
  • Post title must fit in 60 Characters (Good for better Search Engine Positions)
  • Title must be unique(new) and not used by other websites/blogs yet.
  • Title must look simple and informative as readers should click it while they go through the Search Results page.
  • Avoid characters like Emoticons, exclamations etc. in the Post titles.
  • The Title must be totally related to your content

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Looking ahead, I hope my writing is better and more easily readable

Looking ahead, I hope my writing is better and more easily readable.Time to learn better in writing or make a post. Using an enhanced spelling and more beautiful in a string of words:)

Lesson for me. I have always been quick to type and forget the spelling in the text so it will become confused if reading it and will look messy in appearance. And there are even words that look handkerchief in writing. I knew it was important to write well in internet communications and I will try to keep learning

Yes, the speed in typing is in need but what would happen if teh articles unable to read and looks like a machine language. Looks like I have a lot to learn in writing the content and determine the content in my writing.

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Hopefully, this plan goes well, pray for me

Hopefully, this plan goes well, pray for me. After several days trying to think about the future of my online business. Looks like I need something else from another. What is different with what I had previously understood.

Yes about online business is all about connection and website about oral communication through writing, about the media server technologies such as computer and Internet connection. All these things I need. and I need a lot of capital to, at least the initial capital to create multiple websites. Once more, another website must really different to what I have previously made!

This may be my future plans:

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we just taken along with the current movement those big fish capital

Trader, watching all time the market graphic and hope all will happen to bullish if you open tade is buy or you want market go bearish if your open trade is sell. So you will do that i do. Make huge money in the sort time act. Hope everthing on the market happen as we want to expect. You may say i am greedy, coz i know all is greedy especially connected to money.

Everyone in whole planet that today trade forex or trade option or trade stocks, wacthing clearly every moving bar on the monitor graphic. They do analytical with some suggestions and hope everything goes as their GURU told about analytical graphic.....

But we have to realize it that everything happen on the market is about analytical to the graphic moving it is about trends. People action to what they see in graphic they do not concern with fundamental economic. They just only see and and only graphic chart.

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Get starting on FLIPPA....yes!

I know it get hard to start but is not really too hard. everything is under my control. YOu know what is is my new eposide of my jouney in online business, i try to sell my website throuht FLIPPA. Yeah flippa one of the best place to buy/sell  website.

 After one mont monitoring and reservation i decide to list my website. I hope get better for BID there and somebody will BIN as soon as possible :).

Why flippa,

Here is the one of the answers, according to the last day:
    *  994  ListingsOpen Now
    * 3,148BidsLast 7 Days
    * $609,657SalesLast 7 Days
    * 54%Listings SoldLast 3 Months
    * $39,761,087SalesOverall

Who is Flippa look below whois :

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Ba'asyir's arrest made in the target Since 3 Month???

The arrest of Amir Jama Anshorut Tawhid (Jat) Abu Bakar Bashir in the town of Banjar, Ciamis, West Java, had terendus two to three months past. One indication is the arrest of several supposed terrorists in Jakarta approximately calculate past.

"Since two to three months past, the symptoms are directed. Like pilgrims Anshorut Tawhid arrest in Jakarta, everywhere Bashir was staying," understood Chairman of the People of Indonesia Ulama Forum (FUUI), Athian Ali, as contacted AFP by touchtone phone, Monday ( 08/09/2010).

Even so, wait Athian admitted it was surprised by the arrest of Ba'asyir. Athian asserted, he did not believe Ba'asyir suitcases correlated to terrorism.

"He facts who understand and abide by the scholars of Islam.'s Why I'm not guaranteed he was involved in terrorist acts which are divergent to Islam. It is impracticable to understand and adhere to Islam, a terrorist play a role involved," understood Athian.

Athian Ba'asyir claimed to be inflicted with a conversation with in this area acts of terrorism. On with the intention of occasion Ba'asyir strongly strongly disagree with the acts of terrorism.

"He was visibly condemned acts of terrorism," understood athan. 

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Server down by flooding attack, why?

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How to fixing bug on wp-includes/wp-db.php

Actually, even this is not too bad bugs like the weakness of WordPressearlier that can be used to get an account administrator. However, if this bug was found by someone who is experienced with the world wide web and security, he'll be able to read the directory structure of our admin.

The bugs are in / wp-includes / wp-db.php, you will see errors like this:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function is_multisite () in / home / direktory_penyimpanan / / wp-includes / wp-db.php on line 505
can at line505 (occurring in WordPress 3.0) or line1039 on the version of WordPress that underneath.

The first way:
Use the FTP root directory and open the WordPress, and edit the wp-db.php on the first line after add the following string:
error_reporting (0);

The second way:
Almost the same as the first way, only different in its code:
if (strstr ($ _SERVER ['PHP_SELF'], 'wp-db.php ")) die (" Your text here ... ");

The third way:
Is to redirect error pages to our main page .. Laying of the same code, on the first line after add the following string:
if (strstr ($ _SERVER ['PHP_SELF'], 'wp-db.php ")) header (" Location: ../", TRUE);

Can also use the make files . htaccess just that sometimes even an error .

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Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt , Shiloh , often dressed like a boy

If you paid attention , the daughter of Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt , Shiloh , often dressed like a boy . Four -year -old daughter was often wedged the camera wearing a shirt and trousers boys mold . In vogue statement , his body hair was slash stunted. Very diverse from girls her age.

Initially , many of which concluded the media Jolie immature person is a unique chic and cute . However , in the manner of circulating photos of Shiloh, swim wear swim trunks boys , many observers concluded selebtriti Hollywood daughter of this famous pair is not considered usual.

We know the oblique comment going on for her daughter , the player who is cozily called was to defend his daughter Angie . " Style is not my well-chosen . I contain a daughter who has a strict stance . Shiloh who prefer their own mold so as to he wants to wear clothes , and I permit it , " she told Grazia magazine .

Angie and added, " Probably , many relatives like my immature person to appear as desired population. But , used for me , children be supposed to wear comfortable clothes so as to they wear, not as of social weight . "

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Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono believed a security intimidation

Republic of  Indonesia President, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono believed a security intimidation from the parties expect not accomplished in his working visit to Ciwidey , West Java .

"I established reports very last night from the ranks of security ... At hand are children in the company of the nations to facilitate bear accomplished intentions are not presently contemporary in the vicinity Ciwidey , "the president believed in the course of a analysis in the School enlistee Rindam III Siliwangi , West Java , Saturday .

According to the President, the terrorists will on no account win on Indonesian soil ." It will on no account ... In reality very soon sacrificing safe children of the land , " he believed.However , the President believed , the arrange had been successfully addressed by security officers and ranks of presidential security .

Go of State asked the security levels linger president responsibility a accomplished job. He moreover asserted to facilitate he and his someone will stay a two-day working visit in West Java .

" For the ranks of the security task most excellent accepted absent by professionals. I'm still obtainable to run the task and must not be affected whatever, " he believed. On Saturday morning , the go of State visited the School of Charity in Pangalengan . Then on Saturday afternoon the President continues his visit to Primary Schools and Army enlistee in the Smart Village House Mekar Sari , Ciwidey .(antaranews)

Earlier on Friday afternoon , the President to analysis the character development training meeting point in lieu of athletes Prima ( Indonesia Gold Program ) in the center Kopassus Batujajar , West Bandung regency .

The President is scheduled to return to Jakarta on Saturday sunset.

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Just Let Iraq Destroyed

A past deputy of Saddam Hussein, Tareq Aziz, on Friday accused the president of the United States allow Iraq destroyed by combat troops and equipment to be pleasant despite increased violence in new period.

Hip an interview with the Guardian newspaper, UK, past Iraqi deputy prime minister believed the United States requirement stay in this realm to correct the mistakes completed since the invasion in 2003.

"We are all American and British casualties," he told the newspaper from his prison cell in Baghdad, in his principal interview since he was arrested the moment in imitation of the fall of Baghdad more than seven years previously.
"They destroyed our realm in many ways. If you bake individual misconstrue you requirement correct to facilitate misconstrue, make sure of not allow Iraq fall apart."

The statement was uttered in imitation of U.S. President Barack Obama this week confirms to facilitate the U.S. Would close the combat mission in Iraq as deliberate on dignified 31, although the run to of casualties in July shows the month the largely casualties in to facilitate realm in more than two years.

Aziz, who appeared on the forum characterize the globe of Saddam Hussein's regime in lieu of years consequent to say Iraq is a realm which is nowadays worse than sooner than the U.S. Led invasion.

"For 30 years Saddam built Iraq and are nowadays destroyed. Added inhabit are getting sick and hungry than eternally," believed Aziz. "People make sure of not understand service. People were killed all calendar day in the run to of tens and even hundreds.

"I was relieved after (Barack Obama) designated as president of the United States, since I think he will correct about mistakes flowering shrub. But Obama is a muanfi. He absent Iraq to the wolves-wolf. Baghdad government data released Saturday showed to facilitate 535 inhabit were killed in July, with 396 civilians, 89 policemen and 50 soldiers. (

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The American Culture of Philanthropy

bill gates
Bill gates
The Giving Pledge, brainchild of charge Gates and lair Buffet, has decisively moved out civic with a inventory of 38 billionaires who will be giving partially of their fortunes to charity. The civic guarantee is designed to push other wealthy persons to stick to suit. Also, it's already managed to jump-start an motivating civic dialogue going on for philanthropy, particularly as it applies to the very rich.
This Is Different  "Some  philanthropic acts feel by greatest insubstantial, by nastiest two-faced," writes New York Magazine's Nitasha Tiku, citing 1 percent profit donations used for various companies. "This is not like so as to. ... Sure," she continues, these billionaires "only need a tenth of their money to live on. But we continuously imagined so as to if we forever made the kind of wealth so as to lasted generations (ha!), we'd be thrifty going on for it in box our grandchildren twisted given away to contain the production ethic of Paris Hilton."

The American Culture of Philanthropy  in vogue a Guardian portion wondering how British billionaires possibly will be persuaded to stick to the go ahead of their American counterparts, Matthew Bishop and Michael Green broodingly examine come again? It is the Giving Pledge has truly ended: "This is," they comment, "serious money and characters a new high point in the resurrection of philanthropy--what we call philanthrocapitalism--over the beyond decade." They and letter so as to while "richesse oblige is part of American culture," the Giving Pledge "marks a swap in strategy," an upping of the ante. "The peer pressure to present is huge (for donors obese and small), which is come again? Makes US givers three era as generous as Britons. The Giving Pledge has upped so as to peer pressure and prearranged an expectation so as to no more than serious generosity gets you into the recent A-list of philanthropy." Though critics of the guarantee moment given away those like Bloomberg might contain designed to present away their money anyway, burden it publicly is important.

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Create unique abstract content with MS WORD

Create unique abstract content with MS WORD. An abstract or instantaneous by the side of the introduction of a verify can help a bookworm quickly understand the scope of a body of in turn.

 How it workings
The AutoSummary Tools in Microsoft Office Word 2007 can highlight and assemble type points of a verify. For instance, a learner may well wear out Office Word 2007 to create an automatic instantaneous of a quantity of long science articles or to quickly create an abstract in place of a finished history tell. The learner runs AutoSummarize and after that edits the instantaneous.

AutoSummarize analyzes a verify and after that assigns a slash to both sentence. You decide the amount of order you hunger, and AutoSummarize uses the scoring organization to extract the type points and assemble them in place of you. Choose single of the four types of summaries, and Office Word 2007 displays the extracted text. After AutoSumarize finishes, you can edit the results to fit your needs.

To wear out AutoSummarize, you ought to basic add the expertise to the Quick Access toolbar.
Add AutoSummary tools to the Quick Access toolbar

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This is list of terminology of buy sell auction domain and website

This is the term of domain auctions and buying and selling domain and websites. I think a good thing we list terms. Simply...look down list :

- domaining : is about domain
- domainers : The man who jumped into the world perdomainan
- Reg Fee : Registration Fee, registration fees for domain name
- $ xx , $ xx , Low $ xxx etc : X Indicates unit value , so $ xx means $ 10 - $ 99 , $ xxx = $ 100 - $ 999 ff. Low $ xxx means around 100-300
- CVCV : shall mean consonant vowel consonant vowel = example clothes, THEN , PADI , etc. FORGET
- VCVC : Examples : DIRECTION , rather , suction , etc. GENERAL
- LL , LLL , LLLL etc : L Letter meant here , means that domain names consisting of two letters LL , sample AA. three letters eg ME LLL etc.

- Premium Letters : According to the English there huruf2 who frequently appears in the word / acronim , the term premium letters . ABCDEFGHILMNOPRST

Non- Premium - letters : letters in the acronym -of-print dipake JKQUVWXYZ . There are ones shrink again to a group of anti -premium QXYZ

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Sell website through FLIPPA try this tips

If you are planning to buy or sell a website, you probably already heard about Flippa. It is the largest online marketplace for websites. Most people who list a website for sale there, however, end up selling it for peanuts (e.g., $100), or not selling at all.

How come? Most of the times the seller didn’t do his homework. If you want to maximize your chances of selling (and your profit), the 10 tips below will help you.

1. Make Sure Your Website Is Making Money
This is the most important factor. If you want to sell a website successfully, it must be making money. Even if your site has a huge traffic, listing it before monetizing that traffic would be a bad decision. You would be able to sell it, but the money you would get would be far below the real value of the site. Remember that you’ll need to show proof of revenue, and that most buyers will calculate the revenues as the average of the past four or six months.

2. Make Sure You Have Google Analytics Data
Most serious buyers will want to see your Google Analytics data before making an official offer. They will use this to verify your traffic levels, and to make sure the pattern is compatible with the revenues you are claiming.
Google Analytics on it at least six months before the sale.

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Explore more google seacrh with your own language

The way that you can explor more google site search from any other language. Check this

hxxp:// --->this si for amrica
hxxp:// ---- this is for china
hxxp:// ---> this is for rusia

.AC to .CF .CG to .GH

.ac – Ascension Island .cg – Congo, Republic of
.ad – Andorra .ch – Switzerland
.ae – United Arab Emirates .ci – Cote d'Ivoire
.af – Afghanistan .ck – Cook Islands
.ag – Antigua and Barbuda .cl – Chile
.ai – Anguilla .cm – Cameroon
.al – Albania .cn – China
.am – Armenia .co – Colombia
.an – Netherlands Antilles .cr – Costa Rica
.ao – Angola .cu – Cuba
.aq – Antarctica .cv – Cape Verde
.ar – Argentina .cx – Christmas Island
.as – American Samoa .cy – Cyprus
.at – Austria .cz – Czech Republic
.au – Australia .de – Germany
.aw – Aruba .dj – Djibouti
.ax – Aland Islands .dk – Denmark
.az – Azerbaijan .dm – Dominica
.ba – Bosnia and Herzegovina .do – Dominican Republic
.bb – Barbados .dz – Algeria
.bd – Bangladesh .ec – Ecuador
.be – Belgium .ee – Estonia
.bf – Burkina Faso .eg – Egypt
.bg – Bulgaria .eh – Western Sahara
.bh – Bahrain .er – Eritrea
.bi – Burundi .es – Spain
.bj – Benin .et – Ethiopia
.bm – Bermuda .eu – European Union
.bn – Brunei Darussalam .fi – Finland
.bo – Bolivia .fj – Fiji
.br – Brazil .fk – Falkland Islands (Malvinas)
.bs – Bahamas .fm – Micronesia, Federated States of
.bt – Bhutan .fo – Faroe Islands
.bv – Bouvet Island .fr – France
.bw – Botswana .ga – Gabon
.by – Belarus .gb – United Kingdom
.bz – Belize .gd – Grenada
.ca – Canada .ge – Georgia
.cc – Cocos (Keeling) Islands .gf – French Guiana
.cd – Congo, The Democratic Republic of the .gg – Guernsey
.cf – Central African Republic  .gh – Ghana

.gi - Gibraltar 

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High PR Do Follow social bookmark

No Website PR Alexa Do Follow Popularity
1  9 1,355 Yes  98.30%
2  8 288 Yes  94.60%
3  8 960 Yes  93.80%
4  8 1,124 Yes  93.60%
5  8 1,828 Yes  92.70%
6  7 1,660 Yes  87.90%
7  7 2,274 Yes  87.20%
8  7 2,302 Yes  87.10%
9  7 3,259 Yes  85.90%
10  7 4,366 Yes  84.50%
11  6 2,713 Yes  81.60%
12  6 3,753 Yes  80.30%
13  5 10,557 Yes  77.90%
14  6 6,221 Yes  77.20%
15  6 6,702 Yes  76.60%
16  7 12,005 Yes  75.00%
17  6 8,351 Yes  74.60%
18  5 4,406 Yes  74.50%
19  5 4,600 Yes  74.30%
20  4 9,172 Yes  72.70%
21  5 6,145 Yes  72.30%
22  5 8,290 Yes  69.60%
23  3 1,899 Yes  67.60%
24  5 11,802 Yes  65.20%
25  5 38,179 Yes  64.70%
26  3 19,429 Yes  63.80%
27  6 17,063 Yes  63.70%
28  4 9,169 Yes  63.50%
29  6 17,527 Yes  63.10%
30  3 6,446 Yes  61.90%
31  4 11,239 Yes  61.00%
32  2 29,616 Yes  59.30%
33  3 34,608 Yes  57.50%
34  3 39,148 Yes  57.20%
35  3 10,913 Yes  56.40%
36  5 19,358 Yes  55.80%
37  3 62,451 Yes  55.20%
38  4 16,409 Yes  54.50%
39  3 12,454 Yes  54.40%
40  5 25,340 Yes  54.40%
41  4 16,893 Yes  53.90%
42  4 129,104 Yes  53.40%
43  2 53,573 Yes  52.20%
44  3 14,471 Yes  51.90%
45  4 18,504 Yes  51.90%
46  4 18,991 Yes  51.30%
47  4 153,988 Yes  51.30%
48  1 25,180 Yes  50.80%
49  1 30,400 Yes  50.40%
50  4 19,724 Yes  50.30%
51  4 20,012 Yes  50.00%
52  4 23,207 Yes  49.60%
53  4 25,588 Yes  49.40%
54  4 25,584 Yes  49.40%
55  4 26,349 Yes  49.30%
56  2 13,319 Yes  48.40%
57  1 63,977 Yes  48.40%
58  3 17,981 Yes  47.50%
59  N/A  98,677 Yes  40.90%
60  3 390,086 Yes  36.90%
61  0 471,804 Yes  36.90%

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Domain transfer to is with 6 easy steps

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Seller and buyet tips for Flippa user

webiste that yu have it cloud we worthy for dollar. You can list your site in Flippa. its is not free it cost listing fee $19, but it is become fomular site for auction a extablish website. First of rule for your site that want to list with is your website has get revenue from selling, PPC program or else. I found the tips from SitePoint, i thinks it is usefull for share with you.

Tips for Sellers

  1.  Capitalize domains names in your listing - This helps people identify keyword domain names such as
  2.  List everything that's included in the sale - if your website sale includes physical stock, then include that information. If you're also including other social media profiles, list them.
  3.  Supply stats - Google Analytics is generally the preferred default stats format for buyers.
  4.  Suggest other monetization strategies - if you know you've fallen short on monetizing your traffic, then suggest what could be improved. Don't speculate about future revenue however.
  5.  List the keywords you site ranks for - list your top 10 keywords that are generating traffic and how many monthly searches these receive per week. Use Google's keyword tool to find out search volumes.
  6.  Detail the CMS or publish platform being used - explain if your site is using Joomla, Drupal or Wordpress (etc) and why you chose that platform.
  7.  Explain why you're selling - be honest about why you're selling. It usually comes down to i) I need the money ii) I don't have time to maintain it or iii) I buy and sell websites for the money.
  8.  Use Escrow for transaction over $1000 - Even though it's not foolproof, Escrow is safer than PayPal .
  9.  If you use PayPal, post a CD containing all the files and database to the buyer - this way you have proof you posted the goods if the buyer tried to do a charge-back on PayPal.

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